21 April 2011

Almost Spring Again

Or rather "Almost Spring...Again!"  The weather keeps dangling the carrot of summer in front of us then yanking it away.  I'm spending too much time in front of the computer glued to the election and not enough time figuring out what I want to be when I grow up.  I am almost 50, so I suppose I should get on it.

The turning of the seasons  are a natural time to consider our passing lives and the desire for change within ourselves.  Spending so much time engrossed in politics has made me long for the feeling of actually making a difference in the world.  I suppose all of us become artists thinking that in some way that's what we'll do, but more and more I wonder if I'm wasting my gifts and talents pursuing an extremely low-stakes career when I'm capable of so much.  I sit down to write a play or a song and it ends up from the point of view of a guy looking at the various situations of concern in the world and  feeling helpless to do anything to make a change.

I've become much more interested in the idea of journalism - being a part of the world rather than viewing it from a distance,  or setting out today to write something that people may see on stage a year from now.  I suppose that's part of why I've finally begun writing in this blog.  Not that anyone's likely to read it.  But just to write.

Pretending and Imagining.  Largely what I've spent my career doing.  I long to make a change in myself and in the world around me - to make an actual difference in the real world.,

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